The Campuses of the University of Debrecen
University of Debrecen has several locations where the education is going on.
The Main Campus is at Egyetem tér. You can find here the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry and some departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Opposit to the Main Building there is the Faculty of Music.
The other important Campus is the Böszörményi Campus which is 10 minutes walk to the Main Campus. Here you can find the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Agriculture.
The Kassai Campus is located at Kassai út 26. Here you can find the Faculty of Informatics, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Health Sciences (public health, phisiotherapy).
Ótemető Campus is located at Ótemető utca 2-4. It is just 5 minutes walk to Kassai Campus. Here you can find the Faculty of Engineering.
A smaller Campus is the ATOMKI at Bem tér 18/C. Faculty of Sciences and Technology helds lectures and seminars here.
The newest Campus is at Vezér utca, next to IT Services. Faculty of Pharmacy has it building there.